4 Reasons To Consider A Private School Education


For religious families, their children must receive a good wholesome education based on their values. It is also important that the school also provides a curriculum geared toward a successful transfer to college. Before deciding if a religious school is right for your children, you must understand the benefits for your family. Faith-Based Prayer and other religious studies are not allowed in public schools. If you want your children to grow and learn in faith based on your religious views, a private school is a good option.

22 September 2020

Helping Your Child Prepare For College Applications


Helping your child get into the best school possible can give them an advantage that can last for life. Due to the highly competitive nature of college applications, parents will want to take an active approach in helping their child to prepare a strong application and resume. Appreciate The Value Of Professional Preparation The world of college applications has likely changed substantially since current parents went through it. This can make it difficult for a well-meaning parent to appreciate the competitive nature of the application process, as well as the factors that modern colleges weigh the most.

26 June 2019

Two Reasons Why You Should Enroll Your Toddler In A Religious Preparatory School


If you have a small toddler who is just approaching school age, you are likely considering which preparatory school you should send them to.  You want to give them a great foundation of learning so that they will flourish once they are ready for kindergarten.  However, if you are strongly religious, you also must think about whether you should send the child to a public preparatory school, or one that is native to your religion.

10 May 2017

Tips Parents Can Use For Reinforcing The Skills Children Learn At Preschool


The key to your child's success in school depends on your input. Children that do not spend time studying with their parents do not have the advantage of children whose parents take the time to reinforce academic skills. Follow these tips for helping your child build a strong educational foundation. Early Exposure To The ABCs And 123s Exposing your child to books and printed material as early as possible is important.

14 May 2015